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A Mom's Disney Survival Guide

It's me again!

Your typical Central Florida mom that loves going to Disney with her kids. One of the best parts about living so close to the theme parks is all of the fun memories we get to make!

I have been obsessed with Disney longggg before I had children. I know the ins and outs of Disney like the back of my hand, but I never realized just how exhausting a day in the parks can be with little ones. So I'm here to share with you what works best for us! We visit WDW at least once a month and these tricks and tips make our visits run smoothly!

Utilize the Baby Care Center

If you have children that are still in diapers, breast feeding, drinking bottles, etc. You NEED to know about the Baby Care Center! Every park has one and they are centrally located for convenience. This is a nice, quiet spot where you are able to feed and change your little ones. It is SO MUCH BETTER than using a standard changing area in the guest bathrooms. They have multiple padded changing tables, a room with high chairs, private bathrooms, and some even have a movie/rest area for your bigger children. They have a small store with formula, diapers, food, and medication...anything that you might need while in the park! We always use the BCC for diaper changes (even for my toddler). An absolute game-changer for us! And they are never very busy because most guests don't know that they exist.

Wear a Fanny Pack

This sounds silly right?.......WRONG!

Wearing a fanny pack at Disney is a life saver for me! Throughout the day you will be leaving the stroller behind and you will likely be far away from it. I load my fanny pack up with the valuables: wallet, phone, car keys, & hand sanitizer. Everything else gets left in a backpack in our stroller! Don't want to jinx it now, but I've *never* had anything stollen out of my stroller at Disney. Walking away and leaving the diaper bag, bottles, toys, and snacks is not a big deal to me. Having a fanny pack with my valuables prevents me from having to lug a large backpack or diaper bag around to every ride. THIS WILL BE A WEIGHT OFF YOUR SHOULDERS.....literally. Wear the fanny. You might feel silly, but you are saving yourself a lot of trouble.

Bring a Water Cup

Did you know that Disney doesn't put lids on their fountain drinks anymore? So unless you plan on buying that $5 bottle of water all day, a cup is a must! Disney employees will always give you free ice water but it will never have a lid. Then it ends up spilling all over your stroller, all over yourself, and all over your children. I tell you this from experience! I like to bring a reusable cup. When I need a refill, I ask for ice water and then dump it into my cup. Keeps us hydrated in the Florida heat and its better than spending a fortune on bottled water. Props if you bring a cute one like this!

Reusable Popcorn Bucket

Get the bucket! (if you go frequently, of course) We bring our bucket every time we go to Disney. You cannot beat a $2 refill! The buckets cost anywhere from $18-28. When you attend the parks regularly, they are definitely worth the expense. Popcorn is the cheapest and easiest Disney snack! If you do not have a bucket, a small popcorn costs $5.50

Dress Comfortably!

We allllllll want to look cute at Disney! I know you've spotted them. Those Disney bloggers that are dressed to impress. Well take it from me, a Disney mom who also likes to look cute: you WILL be sweating your butt off, you WILL be uncomfortable, you WILL get food and dirt on you. SO DRESS ACCORDINGLY! You can dress cute and still be comfortable! I like to wear a simple Disney t-shirt with shorts, or athletic/yoga pants, and sneakers (or yoga mat sandals). I always feel comfortable and I think that I look theme park appropriate. Best of all, I buy these cute Disney T's at Walmart for $8! Always get compliments on them!

Bring the Nice Stroller

This is another 'learn from experience' type of thing! Disney is not the easiest place to maneuver. You will absolutely regret taking the cheap umbrella stroller! Not only are you weaving in and out of crowds, you're going on and off parade tracks and sidewalks. It is not easy to get around Disney. The few times that I chose to bring the cheap umbrella stroller, I have regretted it! The big fancy one is much easier to move around, holds more, and it has never gotten ruined or damaged. Renting a stroller is also an option! (I have never done this because we are locals) Also bonus points for the strollers that have a big storage area, you'll need it!

That's all I've got for you moms today! I hope these tips help make your Disney experience a little more magical. WDW has been a huge part of my life and I love sharing the excitement with my children and fellow moms <3

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